FFKKR not accept any allegations and speculation against Russian figure skaters

In connection with the advent of so-called report an independent entity (in the original English IP) in some of the media materials were using the names and images of Russian figure skaters, with hints of their relation to the doping problems in sport.

The authors and publications that publish this kind of materials are generally the same, who at various times to press charges on various occasions to the Russian figure skaters on the "wrong", in their opinion, the competition results. It is sad that with such statements and assessments were some figures of the international sports movement, who are not specialists in figure skating, but are trying to inflate scandals in commercial and / or other purposes.

Therefore FFKKR says:

1. We do not know about any state or other doping program supporting Russian skaters.

2. Moreover, we do not have information about the existence of any prohibited drugs that can have a positive impact on the skaters and simultaneously improve their technical mastery of the elements, a significant impact on the artistic representation of programs, expressive skating and other aspects required for successful performance.

In order to protect the honor and dignity of Russian skaters FFKKR reserves the right to apply to the relevant authorities with a demand to give legal and ethical assessment of such fabrications.

Translated by Google
Original Text :  HERE

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